The Journey to SASE

& Secure Modern Working

It is a Journey…

Easy to say complex to deliver…

What’s your Journey?

Every business is different, hence your Journey to SASE needs to take on board your own unique position and business priorities and then map the best path to SASE from a commercial and risk mitigation perspective.

Download the Journey to SASE Infographic

How do I start The Journey?

For many IT Execs this is the biggest hurdle. The benefits are significant, but how do you navigate the best path with least risk? Here are the typical hurdles to overcome:

  • Deciding the best path to take and where should I start?
  • What skills do my team have and what skills will I need to augment to make my SASE journey successful?
  • How do I quantify the benefits to build my business case?
  • How do I mitigate other risks and hurdles to ensure success?

What are The Risks?

While the SASE destination has obvious and significant benefits - getting there can be complex and if not designed, planned and executed well can fail to deliver the required outcomes.

  • Understanding your current position is key to designing the best path to the destination.
  • Having the skills and capability to unpack your legacy environment & vendors is key to minimising the risk of migration.
  • It’s a Journey that can take 1-3 years depending on the level of complexity and consolidation required. This needs thorough planning with tight project management and control.
  • Augmenting skills with a SASE specialist partner minimises exposure.
  • Having suitable resources to execute on key milestones.
Having the expertise and capability to de-risk the migration from legacy data-centre architectures needs specialist skills to unpack multi vendor designs – in a controlled way – as the journey progresses.

A Specialist partner

with a proven engagement model

Our proven consultative engagement process includes a four stage process that allows us to fully understand your current position, align to your business priorities, design the options that exist to get your business to the SASE destination in best way

Case Studies
