About The Y NSW
The Y serves more than 40 communities across NSW and the ACT and has a workforce combined of an estimated 2000 individuals. The Y NSW is passionate about nurturing potential and providing safe spaces where young people can grow, learn, move and thrive by providing services such as:
With more than 3 million individuals visiting the Y NSW facilities annually, including fitness and aquatic amenities - it's no surprise that security is paramount for confidentiality, particularly when it comes to safeguarding the information related to these children and young people. Due to the sensitive nature of their operations, it is imperative to always consider morale and ethical standards while implementing the most robust security available for all data including personal details.
The Challenges
Prior to implementing the Endpoint Solution with Enablis and CrowdStrike, The Y NSW technology team were finding it difficult to manage their existing legacy antivirus solution due to resourcing restraints and a need for a simpler, modern and effective threat protection solution.
The previous legacy antivirus solution, was proving overwhelming for the relatively small team to defend against todays modern threats and to also maintain complete threat visibility.
Once the new Endpoint solution was implemented, the IT team found that it was less time consuming to manage and that the deployment was a seamless process providing the team with the confidence of having a well protected endpoint system. As an extra bonus, the deployment had a very low impact for end users.
The Y NSW now enjoy these key benefits:
Why Enablis was chosen?
Click here to download the full The Y NSW case study or click here to contact us if you would like discuss with a security expert today.