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Strata Network Security Platform: Under the Hood

Written by Enablis | 25/06/2024 1:27:11 AM

Today’s average enterprise has a staggering 31 security tools.

Typically this might include a hardware security stack with 17 different tools to predominantly protect your users and applications in the office and data centre. There might also be a software security stack with another set of tools to inspect your virtualised data centre and cloud environments.

All of these Security tools leads to:

  • Too many tools and systems to manage, sensors, and siloed data
  • Multiple panes of glass
  • Innumerable and inconsistent policies
  • A fiddly operational environment demanding significant manual work
  • Extra costs

The Strata Network Security Platform (SNSP) provides a holistic foundation allowing you to replace multiple disjointed tools that simplify and unify your security and deliver the best ROI on your security investment.

It allows you to gather up all the many point products you’ve likely purchased over the years and replace them with a single platform. This helps ensure zero security gaps across your expanding digital estate. It also makes life simpler for your teams while reducing your total cost of ownership.

Achieving this has never been more important given the greater sophistication and number of cyber attacks we’ve seen over the past several years, while AI is empowering adversaries to take social engineering and other techniques to new levels, meaning organisations can leave no stone unturned when it comes to managing and securing their data.

Under the hood

So let’s have a closer inspection of what this actually looks like.

For starters, you’ll see that dozens of security controls have been consolidated into a Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) platform.

After solving this problem for network security and hardware firewalls, it has now been extended everywhere to include the cloud and Secure Access Service Edge (SASE).

With the Strata Network Security Platform, you get:

  1. Consistent enforcement everywhere: The platform has a single sensor for all services and the right form factor for every location and architecture, at any scale. The underlying operating system is the same across the board which simplifies onboarding and operations, and provides consistent security everywhere.

  2. Real-time attack prevention: Security should offer ‘high fidelity’ and leverage all data signals from a centralised data lake. It should be capable of learning and adapting with AI, and deliver security in real-time from the cloud - so you can stay ahead of adversaries who leverage AI and cloud computing to create evasive threats at scale. Best practice security requires the collection and analysis of huge amounts of data in a centralised data lake, with each service delivered through the cloud and deployed immediately. Increasingly this also demands applying key learnings from AI so as to stay ahead of adversaries who are leveraging the technology with the cloud to create evasive threats at scale.

  3. Unified management and operations: Quickly, easily, and consistently manage policies, deploy best practices, and avoid misconfigurations. With Strata Cloud Manager integrated with ADEM and AIOps (brings machine learning and data science to modern IT Operations), you gain access to a true one management pane where you can write a single policy that can be implemented across all your locations. It enables seamless deployment of best practice security while avoiding misconfigurations.

While some point solutions might offer good security in a single area, only a platform can connect all the pieces needed to protect an entire estate.

Looking at the bottom line, Forrester recently found that a properly designed and deployed Strata Network Security Platform can deliver a 236 percent ROI over three years. Ever more impressive, CDSS (cloud delivered security services) can provide ROI of 357 per cent in three years, while organisations that invest in SASE can break even in six months!

In short, the economics of moving to a single platform with best of breed components is truly compelling.

If you would like to discuss your security requirements to ensure your data and staff are protected email here to get in contact with one of Enablis’ security experts.